Titan A.E. (more uncanny semblances)

remember that cartoon movie that came out around 2000-2001? It’s was on StarMovies channel just a while ago.

Anyway, some things I observed :

[li]The baddies are reminiscent of the Shadow race from Deep Space 9
[/li][li]The baddies had fighter ships that looked like RDM’s reimagined Cylon raiders

I love Titan A.E. The summer it came out it was my most anticipated film and it pretty much lived up to expectations. I know alot of people dislike it for some reason but i have yet to figure out why. The only problem i have with it is that i think Drew Barrymores voice is wrong for her part. the rest i truly love.

I very vaguely remember it - I saw it in the theater Costa Rica when my Spanish wasn’t as excellent as it is now, when I finally saw it in English I couldn’t get past the voices! It was definitely fun, though. :slight_smile:

Love that Movie I own it!

I will have to re watch it to look at those raiders!

Great movie! Joss Whedon wrote part of the script.

I just love that they named the planet Bob! I loved the movie, still need to get me a copy though.

I really enjoyed this when it came out, too. Wasn’t there something special about the animation? IIRC that had something to do with my excitement. That, and Steve Buscemi’s voice talents. Haven’t seen it since it was in theaters. When I un-suspend my Netflix I will have to add it to my queue.

funny you should say that because of this movie any time someone ask me what’s someone name I do not know or to name something I always say Bob

is that “Bob” thing a Terminator 2 reference? :confused:

Yep, I default to Bob for almost everything. The exception being if I’m naming something scary/monsterous then i name it fluffly

Yes i do the same thing. I dont remember if my naming things Bob predates the movie ( i am pretty sure it does) but i now think of that movie anytime i do it now.

Eee! More people who’ve seen and like this movie! This one’s one of my favorites. I think it’s up on Hulu.

maybe we all should do a rewatch! I know as soon as I can budget some time I will pop in the dvd!

I just loved that theme song by Bush. Whatever happened to that band? :eek:

Which song of Bush was played in that movie? I am drawing a blank?

Gavin Rosdel of bush will be in sc performing in greenville next week for the Greenville Crawfish Boil .

Ok, my bad. It’s Higher, by Creed. I was pretty sure it was in the movie …somewhere


[QUOTE=CylonMATRIX;177481]Ok, my bad. It’s Higher, by Creed. I was pretty sure it was in the movie …somewhere

yea creed played I think when he was flying the ship! still like that song!