Time after Time (movie)

So, I recently have joined Netflix…I know, I am such an early adopter. I have been busy telling it all the movies I like, all the ones I don’t and am now at the point where it is recommending some movies I have never heard of but seem interesting.

Enter “Time after Time”. It is described as, “There’s a fantastic element of pulp adventure in having H.G. Wells chase after Jack the Ripper through time…” Directed by Nicholas Meyer who gets serious geek cred as the director of Wrath of Khan…it stars Malcolm McDowell and Mary Steenburgen. Imdb page

Has anyone seen this? Why do we not know about it? It sounds right up our alley!

Dr. Soran!

I saw this movie a long, long time ago and I remember liking it. Isn’t David Warner Jack the Ripper? (The actor who played the decapitated photographer in the Omen?)

And Chancellor Gorkon in Undiscovered Country and the Federation ambassador in Final Frontier and the evil Cardassian who 1984’d Picard.

did I miss any other notable appearances?

I hadn’t seen this movie since its first cable run, but a couple weeks ago I saw a sci-fi pops show at the local symphony, and the theme song was on the program.

Thinking about Time After Time just makes me feel warm all over. I remember seeing it when it came out, about the same time as Christopher Reeve’s competing “just dream about time travel and you’re there” Somewhere In Time. Of course, these are memories etched into a 15-year-old’s brain back in 79, so take that into account when I say “That movie rocked!”

I remember it being a (excuse the pun) ripping yarn. It had a fun premise-that HG Wells had actually invented the time machine that he wrote about, so part of the film takes place in Victorian England. Always a plus in my book. But the fun comes when you put him in “modern times” chasing Jack the Ripper. This film still contains my favorite McDowell good guy performance, and is the reason I still call McDonald’s a little Scottish restaurant on occasion.

I’d say check it out, and tell us what you think.

Meyer also directed Undiscovered Country and shares credit for screenplay on II, IV, and VI, i.e., all the “good ones” with the original cast.
Now that is some serious geek cred.

I am so gonna use that (with permission, of course).

I remember really liking the idea of Wells actually creating his Time Machine and then with the ending linking it with actual facts. Amy Robbins (Steenburgen’s character) is the name of Wells’ second wife.

What I didn’t know and wiki told me. Mick Jagger was originally considered for Jack the Ripper. There’s always so much fun with “also considered for the role”. For example, Kurt Russell as Han Solo.

be my guest, doll :slight_smile:

It’s awesomely bad. Some truly terrible time-travel mechanics. But hey, you know? Better than the recent Time Machine where the king of the Morlocks is some goth dude.

Nothing wrong with goth people – just the guy in the movie.

You need to see the British THE IT CROWD! coolest goth dude ever to appear on TV