Thriller=Rick Baker

Hi y’all! Big fan of the podcasts and you guys.

Audra rocks and she’s one of the main reasons of why I listen because I love her humor and her laugh (and she sounds exactly like a friend of mine from high school.)

Anyway, forgive me if this has already been covered–I didn’t see it anywhere–but I don’t think that the late, great Stan Winston worked on Jacko’s “Thriller,” I believe that’s all Rick Baker.

I’m a huge Stan Winston fan, and just, well, wanted to point that out, but correct me if I’m wrong.

Keep doing what yer doin’…


First off, welcome to the forum…and great handle! You are correct regarding Rick Baker, here is confirmation on IMDB

He got the job because of his work on An American Werewolf In London, which was what got me following his work too.
He’s kinda the king of hairy makeup (wolfs and apes) and later on, fat suits, but he’s done a lot of cool stuff, from Coming to America and Gorillas in the Mist to Men in Black, The Nutty Professor and Ed Wood.
He’s latest work is turning Benicio Del Toro into a Wolfman for 2009’s Wolfman. Supposed to be more minimalist than his previous takes.