Thread renaming bug

Hey there,

Just a head’s up, I have discovered a thread renaming issue. Basically, when a thread is renamed it doesn’t take on the parent level, only the child. See my thread in News as an example.

GWC “Required Viewings”

has been renamed

GWC “Recommended Background Materials”

The new title appears in the thread, the old title appears at the parent level.

In case you don’t know, you get to the place where you can rename thread through Advanced Edit.

  • Solai

It looks like you’re changing the title of your post, which is independent of the title of the thread. I suspect that’s only an option for mods (and sometimes not even them, depending on the software.)

Thanks Pike. In other forums the two exist in a one-to-one relationship which is why I assumed something is broken. Your explanation is perfectly reasonable.

I am an Admin on another vbulletin based forum and I too have experienced the same problem, to my knowledge there is no easy way round it