Theories about The Island

Now that I’m finally caught up on Lost, I’m really curious about what happened to the island when Ben moved it. Do any of you guys have insight or guesses about where the island moved to?

My theory (and it is just a theory) is that the island didn’t move in physical location but rather just went ahead in time by a few years, much like the rabbit in the Orchid orientation video. Any other theories?

I think it moves in both time and space myself. The Black Rock is where it is because the Island “materialized” beneath it. The drug plane got there from Africa because at the time it crashed the Island was off the coast of Africa.

And maybe the Island really was near Portland at one point.

Finally, I think the Island has moved backwards in time to just before the DHARMA people first showed up. That makes the Losties the original “hostiles”.

whoa. mindboggle I like it!