The Wheel of Time Series

hey there guys, first post woooooo! Just a query on this, years ago when i was in school I picked up The Eye of the World and i loved it. Subsequently I read up to about Book 8 in the series and lost my love for it a little bit and the more recent releases passed me by I’m sorry to say. I’ve been reading really good reviews of Brandon Sanderson’s work on the final books and am compelled to go right back to the start and read the series again. Has anyone else any views on the series or in general.

By the way I’m from ireland and I LOOOOOVEEE the podcast, any other Paddy’s out there in the GWC family?!


I’ve read I think all but one of Jordan’s books (two if you count the prequel). I like dthem, though they got quite a bit long in the tooth. One of many series I plan on getting back into once I get my Kindle. Too hard to keep track of the ten or so books I’ve got lying around.

I actually like Brandon Sanderson’s books better. People are less pissy at each other and more stuff happens.

You see now I HAVE to go and read them all again just to get to those Brandon Sanderson ones!

Brandon Sanderson rocks!!! And I love how he’s really improved on the last book and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next one in a couple of days. But Jordan’s world is rich and fertile although Jordan himself seems to love hearing himself talk. So little happens in some of his books and yet they are monsterous in size. Then you read The Way of Kings and there is a LOT going on.

I’ll be honest and say that I hadn;t heard of the Way of Kings but I have looke dit up and the reviews look really good, I’m going to have to check it out as it’s a really interesting premise for a series. I love finding new series I haven;t explored before thanks for the heads up on that Moviedude!

I just finished Towers of Midnight. April can’t gert here soon enough. It’s on now!!! A few passing thoughts though: If Perrin didn’t fall as the Dark Lord’s Prophacy said he should, is that going to alter his Ta’verin status? Did Mat keep his “head dice” after pulling Moraine free? Does anybody feel that the Dark Lord is a slightly lesser threat than the Seanchean? It sounds like they frak the world up worse in the long run from what we learn in Avienda’s vision. Or perhaps as the Third Age ends and a technology age begins, some traditions and beliefs must die to make room for others? I guess I just hate those frakking leashes.

I would tend to agree that Sanderson moves the story forward, and removes some of Jordan’s more annoying signature writing—war of the sexes and long descriptions of what people are wearing. But still… the new Wots feel like exceptional fanfic instead of a real continuation. Oh well, at least I will see how it all ends.

What do you call it when the fan fiction is better than the original? Lucasian?