The West Wing - S3 E6 - Gone Quiet

Ha! Nice. That’s exactly right!

Nice fiery moment there. Must be the fruits and vegetables.

Speaking of fiery, Ron Silver’s giving an acting class here. Awesome.

The killing of Bin Laden was in way kinda like this.

A sitatuation happens and a decision needs to be made and there’s no clear right answer. And the President must decide.
He has to risk being wrong and that’s the job.

:slight_smile: Okay, nice episode. Mostly low key. But good. Now I’m rewinding back to 10 min mark. CJ walking toward Toby doing the “I’m Too Sexy for My Shirt” Toby seldom smiles , it’s not in his character, but yeah, he gives a little half smirk smile when CJ is coming at him. :slight_smile: Who wouldn’t ?

Thanks again Too Kimmeh for Your Shirt :slight_smile: Have a great long weekend! (I assume you can’t frak on Friday. You usually cant’)

ExacTly. The Pres has to trust that his servicemen and women know what they’re doing and balance that with a contingency in case something goes amiss. It’s a unenviable balancing act, cuz no matter what, he’s gotta get his people out of there, even if it starts WWIII with N. Korea.

It’s episodes like this one that demonstrate how focused writers can balance a large ensemble cast and make you fall in love with these characters week after week. Til next week, Head Boobinator. :smiley: ( thx ASET!)

Confession: Once Danny disappeared, I always hoped that CJ and Toby would finaly get together. That ship has sailed.

I’ve spent the last 2 months writing a business plan and getting funding for our family’s new business venture. It has consumed my life and these WW fraks are the peaceful breaks in my week. Mondays and Fridays are my volunteer mornings at school, but tomorrow’s the last one of the year. HUZZAH!!!