The West Wing S2E06--The Portland Trip

That’s a strength of this show. The reasonable noble Republican. Not all one sided

And Charlie is the type that would never ever publically brag about it.

It’s all part of great checks and balances that our forefathers put in place. I get frustrated when people try to subvert them for any reason.

ExacTly! Not all one-sided. And this guy is a prime example. His sexual orientation isn’t his whole life nor is it his whole political viewpoint. Even the one-off characters have layers. :slight_smile:

That’s why I’m flabbergasted when Rick Santorum says he was sick to his stomach when he read John F Kennedy speech dedeclaring his commitment to the seperation of church and state.
Kennedy was just trying to dispell fears that people had of Kennedy being a Catholic.

Rick Santorum makes me sick to my stomach. And what’s worse is that there are so many people who think his agenda is right for the country. Extremists of any sort don’t seem to make the best leaders. :frowning:

I thot Charlie was the only one that could put a 1000 tons of meaning and emotion in the word “Okay.”

Turns out Margret can do it too :slight_smile:

I 100 percent agree with you. There’s something really wrong that he’s someone survived in a National campaign for this long.

Issues like that Marriage Act all seem to be fear-based or hate-based. That has no place in our government. :mad:

There’s been A LOT of amazing TV shows in the past 5 years, but I can’t think of any that have quite matched the sheer excellence of The West Wing.

Yes! That was a great friend/mother type of moment. :slight_smile:

It’s all part of the weird conservative idea that you can somehow go back to the old days. Life resists that. Life doesn’t work that way.

Ok Thotzilla, I’ve got a Dr. Who date with Andiminga in 15 mins. Gonna try to eat something. Ttyl! :smiley:

Okay, time to go start my day. Thanks again.
You have a great day Kimbatron (<---- Copyright Jeannie (Aset) ) :slight_smile: