Wow. This is some powerful diplomacy. Chills.
“What would it take to get them back?”
Really? Did he really think that the President wanted them back dead on the second try? Geez.
Abby’s warning about MS to Jed is haunting knowing that all the things she says could happen DO HAPPEN in Season 6 (?)
Refresh my memory Thot. Did they ever really resolve this re-election issue? I don’t remember that they ever came to an agreement. Just crisis after crisis as the campaign machine kept propelling him forward.
Numbers never lie. People do.
No, I dunno. It’s all a blur to me.
Joey’s insight into Josh and Donna’s relationship is so accurate. Donna doesn’t want everyone to see that she’s falling for her boss. She makes terrible relationship decisions and she’s totally aware that this one could ruin everything.
I like this 200 black ops idea. Go with that.
Yup. Exactly.
All that said, how come Josh and Joey don’t get together? Does Josh inherently know that would break Donna’s heart? So he waits but waits too long?
9 lives lost in order to save 5. It feels like such a waste, but they could’ve lost all 14.
A lot of problems could be solved that way. We’re the good guys, but unfortunately the world is too complicated
That’s the life our soldiers sign up for. God bless 'em.
Notice how all episode he was interested in why Donna was pushing him towards Joey more than he was actually interested in asking Joey out. He doesn’t want to break Donna’s heart AND his attraction to Joey isn’t strong enough. I think this is why Amy gets a shot at Josh. His attachment to Amy is stronger than anything he felt for Joey.
Josh is truly a long term kinda guy. Remeber he had a crush on Amy since college?
Awesome episode and good frakking with ya Captain Amerithot.
Eh. Not my best nickname for ya, but it still works. Kinda.
Omigosh you’re right! Yep they go way back
Thanks!! I enjoyed it as always.
You have a great day, Kimtastrophy (I asked Twitter for nickname help and they failed me, so that’s all I could come up with)
It’s totally fitting. I feel like a Kimtasrophy this week. We’re having a party here Saturday night with tons of overnight guests so I’ve been working like a housedroid all week. This frak was a lovely respite from my household duties. Thanks Thot.
Oh man, those big parties are always a pain. And expensive and nerve racking preparing for them. Good luck to you.
If these fraks help you get thru, I’m glad to help. But as always don’t be shy about telling me your too busy if your too busy.
Absolutely. You’re so patient with my crazyass schedule. Talking West Wing with you is a highlight of my day. As a stay-at-home mom, I don’t get alot of opportunities to talk with folks who share my enthusiasm for geekdom in all its many forms. You help me to keep my geek flag flying. And yes. West Wing is ubergeeky.