The West Wing s1ep2. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc

I get as much glee from watching Josh freak out almost as much as his coworkers do. Hehehe

I love how they love busting each other.

Mandy and Josh never quite had the chemistry that Amy Gardner did

Hoynes says in small talk “Margret’s looking good” foreshadowing his womanizing?

Hoynes. What a jerkface. He should’ve listened to Leo. :cool: This doesn’t end well for him.

Yeah it does. He didnt need to say anything about Margaret. That comment really shows his inability to control his urges.

Knowing now that Hoynes knows about Bartlet’s MS but can saying anything about it, explains some of his resentment. But he’s still mostly an arrogant ass.

LOL. Fun watching this now know all that we know about the series, eh?

Not sure I see this Sam and Lori relationship is realistic.

I mean, Sam is a dude, so he’s not thinking of Lori as “just a friend”

Remind me…does Bartlet know about Hoynes’ alcoholism yet?

The abrupt change in tone in this episode to this scene with the shooting down of the plane crisis is cool.
And it’s so true to what real life in the White House must be like.

No!! Very clearly not. Later in a later season when Hoynes tells Leo that he’s an alcoholic and he just ASSUMES that Leo told Barllett that. And Hoynes is very surprised that Leo is so honorable to hoynes in keeping that secret.

Not only that, but even befriending a call girl in his position could destroy his career and negatively effect the Pres. But he does it anyway. Men…boy I don’t know…

“boy I don’t know…” LOL. Nice reference.

Fun, as always Kimmeh.

You have a good day.

Thx for jogging my memory. With so many flashbacks, it’s tough to keep it all straight lol

You too Thot.

How’s tomorrow at 8am for the next ep? I’ve got bootcamp at 9.

Yup. 8 am tomorrow is fine. If I’m not there exactly at 8 start without me on the hour. I’ll catch up.

Will do, Monsieur :slight_smile: