The West Wing S1E21--Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics

The staff waits for a poll to tell them if their new, activist policies are moving them in the right direction. C.J. feels like her opinions are being discounted.

"Well, I’m personal aide to the President, so my supervisor’s a little busy right now looking for a back door to this place to shove you out of. But I’ll let him know you’d like to lodge a complaint. "

Play!! Time for some polling

IYKWIM! :wink:

yeah, baby. CJ says 1993. They usually avoid mentioning specifc dates on West Wing.

CJ is always better then the rest in terms of timing, reality etc.

I’ve heard …I think Jimmy Carter …say this tactic works…intimidating people with the trappings of the White House to get ppeople to do what they want them to do.

Leo knows how to lay it on thick. Barry’s still feeling starstruck, even though he was already prepared not to be LMAO!

Great subtle acting thing… where Barry wipes his hand on his pants before he shakes the President’s hand

Leo’s the master

I’m ready to be done with the Lori arc

Wasn’t there a report about how the Oval Office was built to confound visitors? Or maybe that’s in this episode too.

Ditto. This is going nowhere.

Yup. I’ve heard that. I forget where.

We used to have this great electronic globe. You could touch any point on the globe and it would speak the name of the country.

That’s how I’ve heard of “The Federated States of Microneasia”

I can see how CJ would’ve felt patronized by that convo. :frowning:

Leo told President what everyone’s prediction was but he neglected to tell him Cj’s prediction

An ambassador having an affair with a prime minister’s daughter? Wow. What a horrible career choice.

This show doesn’t tokenize or glorify woman. CJ is more than equal to the men around her, but they show it, they don’t just assume it.

Bwaaaaaajahahaha! :smiley: I love Margaret and her absurd joke. “One egg is an oeuf.” :smiley:

They don’t over do it with Margret. But every time they give her one of those moments, she kills.

…and speaking of bad career decisions. :frowning: Sam. Sam. Sam. Smh.