The West Wing S1E18--Six Meetings Before Lunch

And the scope of the injustice is highlighted here in this secret service briefing. 14 words.

The fact that people and groups that beleive in that crap still exist in this day and age…makes me crazy

Even Toby is exasperated with Mandy’s obsession with the pandas. This is pretty weak.

But pandas are supercute. :slight_smile:


I tapped the Twitter Hivemind. His callsign was “Bulldog”.

“Education is everything. We don’t need little changes, we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. The competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be making six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge to its citizens, just like national defense.”


This is why CJ is amazing at her job. She got in the President’s face in a very professional and effective way. Well done.

This. This is why I love the hivemind. :smiley:

We haven’t even delved into the minefields of Toby’s and Josh’s daddy issues yet.

I agree with all of that. My parents were teachers when they met, and would have stayed teachers. But no way they could hhave raised 3 kids on a teacher’s salary.

Hey, good like with you dog today.

Is he sick, or is this just a checkup?

Anyway, thanks Kimmehopolis. Have a great day :slight_smile:

I paused my teaching career 8 years ago in order to be a stay-at-home mom. Once we eliminated the need to pay for childcare and paid off my car, the loss of my salary was negligible.

I truly enjoy our West Wing fraks, Lord Thot. I bid you adieu.

Kimmehopoilis! Me likey! :smiley:

Puppeh needs his last set of shots. And then we’ve gotta board him all weekend. Going out of town for our oldest daughter’s gymnastics meet. Thank goodness that the vet and the boarder are just down the street. :slight_smile: have a great day!