The West Wing S1E05--The Crackpots and These Women

Do watch the show Mad Men Kim? Elizabeth Moss (Zoey Bartlett) is so so good on that show.

Oh poor josh. It just gets worse and worse.


The Josh thing is a brilliant dramatic idea to counterpoint the “silly” tone of the rest of the episode

Mandy kinda shows here that she’s not really part of the team…she’s all about “who’s on my side.”

Wth is Manfully’s.goal here for telling tony he wasn’t forst pick

So many great characters on this show, but scenes like this psychiatrist office scene reminds me that for me Josh is really the heart and soul of the show.

Although my phone typing may contradict this, I assure you that I am not having a stroke.

A little bit of dust in the room here as Josh is talking about his sister

He really is. His relationships with the other characters ground the series

Yup, If they’d put the wrong actor in Josh’s role the whole thing coiuld have fallen apart. Maybe… Who knows

Zoey to Josh “You look like death on a triscit”

Toby and Bartlet…dusty

Zoe and Charlie…cute from the first moment. Sweet cute-meet.

Yes, do not ask your wife too many questiions …I agree

Good stuff. Why can’t we have a real President Bartlett?

I’m gonna go strangle someone at Time Warner now. Thx for frakking :slight_smile:

Thank you, Kimmeh. You have a great day.