The West Wing--S1E04 Five Votes Down

Episode summary–When an admittedly weak gun-control bill the White House has been backing turns out to be five votes short of House passage, Josh makes deals and threats to several Democratic reps, while Leo appeals to Hoynes for help. …and other stuff happens too. :slight_smile:

“There are two things in the world you never want to let people see how you make 'em - laws and sausages.”–Leo McGarry

Pressing play…

Bartlet’s comment about calling or faxing or letter-writing your Congressmen would be completely different today. Email, tweet and fb your Reps people. :smiley:

Holy crap CJ looks hot in that dress

Yet another awesome “walk and talk”.

Little bit of technical difficulties but I’m here

She does indeed

Do we need to restart?

Nope. I’m fine I’m caught up. I assume you started on the hour? If so I’m in synch

Did I tell you we did vaction in DC this summer? The Capitol Building is HUGE.
We did the tour.

Yup. At 9


CJ love busting on Toby about the money

Yes you did. :smiley: I’ve never been in, but it looks so large from outside.

Josh throwing his power and skill around. Love it. A junior congressman is no match

Josh is way too cocky. Dangerously so. Senator Carrick would agree lol

Oh, damn. I forgot. I may need to look away when the Leo scene with his wife comes up. It’s too much to take.

This black congressman Mark returns later in the series. He’s a cool guy.

"I’m so sick of Congress I could vomit. " dude. Get in line.

Yup. I had to hit mute on this scene with Leo and his wife.
Cannot watch it.

Oops. I may have jumped ahead of you now. I’ll pause for minute or so.

Devastating. Damn. Poor Jenny. Poor Leo.