The Walking Dead 2x07 Pretty Much Dead Already

What the hell does that matter?

Shane you punk ass bitch


I’ll say it

Shane needs to die…just sayin

Oh wow look at Carl!

Poetic justice? Carl accidentally pops him.

Oh, hell. This show just gets weirder and weirder.

Dear Shane,

Just because shit hits the fan doesn’t mean you should be a complete dick

Walker-wrangling. Worst. Idea. EVER!!

Stupid stupid stupid

Jimmy’s gonna get ate

ok–how is this a good idea??? :eek:

Did I miss something? Where on earth did Dale go?

Portal reference? +1!

OK Glen is just plain awesome

Glen = Badass


Shane an addict…the hits just keep on coming

EDIT - ok I was wrong, he’s just a dick

Yup, it’s official, I don’t like Shane now

Captain America 2, starring Glenn.

I’d watch that

Ok—that Game on Santa commercial was awesome