The Walking Dead 1X04: Vatos

[b]November 21, 2010 @ 10/9 Central on AMC

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Whos hungry?

YAY!!! Hope this week should be awesome

Wonder if they will pull up a zed?

Florida must look funny what with all the zeds with walkers gumming their meals.

Vatos Locos Forever! :slight_smile:

Probably are all asleep by 4 tho :smiley:

“Could somebody give me a hand?”

Hmm that was interesting. That wasn’t in the books at all.

Not to mention all the ones dressed as Disney characters.

I’d hope they’d divurge a little here and there…keep it fresh

mnmmm…fresh brraaaains

Well this whole story line is entirely new. The Brothers at least.

Does that qualify as an underbite?? :eek:

Dale with that hat…now all I think of is “on Golden Pond”

cauterized the wound…very smart. no blood trail

“I don’t want to alarm anyone, but we may have a bit of a problem.”

Biggest. Understatement. EVER. :eek:

Ouch…that is damn tough

Isn’t it a little late to start digging an escape tunnel, Jim?

I’d imagine they’ll take the same path as True Blood: using the books for inspiration, but not necessarily following along verbatim.

Hey Jim…buddy…whatcha doin? Ya diggin?