The Walking Dead 1x03: Tell It to the Frogs

[b]November 14, 2010 @ 10/9 Central on AMC

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“Kiss my lily-white ass.”

I doubt they’re stop with kissing. :eek:

is it too much to ask that this sorrybarbhole get what’s coming to him?

Some one is going a bit crazy!

If you’re handcuffed to a steam pipe on top of a high-rise in a zombie apocalypse…

you might be a redneck…

Ideally, he should eaten by a black zombie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wouldnt it suck for him if by the time he got the hack-saw he realized it had a Wood blade on it.

LOL :smiley:

His neck will get a lot redder soon enough, methinks.

They really need to pull the speaker off the alarm on Glen’s car

Did Glenn just doom them all with the mobile dinner bell?

“Hey, Helicopter Boy! Come say hello!”

Oooh, awkward. :eek:

That was a brief happy moment

Wow. Great moment. For a change. :slight_smile:

Now how is this conversation going to pan out? I mean, Rick’s the only one who doesn’t know about the “sorry, we thought you were dead” infidelity.

TG & D, how are you watching this now? Is there a secret that other Westies don’t know about?

Why don’t they just say he didn’t make it? It’s not unreasonable that he got eaten.

Nope, it’s on regular old AMC HD, which is an East coast feed from Verizon FiOS. :slight_smile:

He really should have “NOT A BITE” written on that bandage. :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of Cocky…bow chicka bowwow

Ewww your son is in the same tent!