Thursday, 13 May 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
So - who thinks Kathernine might be making an appearance this evening?
I actually thought she was already there until I saw Jenna
Wow, she’s hot. Nice wide child-bearing hips.
“He’s your brother … he’ll forgive you”
Yeah, like that’s really worked for you Damon!
Sometimes it just takes a few centuries.
You mean like with Jacob and MIB?
I love those tampon commercials.
But as much as I love their sarcasm, they still don’t make me want to buy their tampons
“…that eye thing that you do.”
Yeah. That.
Le sigh.
Me either.
Just when you think that John couldn’t be a bigger dick…
Ooh! B for Damon!
This should be interesting!
Attacking right after the safe & prosperous speech. Nice.
Tyler’s a vampire? :eek:
Tyler’s a vampire? I must have missed that part!
The mayor’s a vampire??? :eek::eek::eek:
Awwww … poor Anna!
…he and his father are some other kind of supernatural critter that can hear high frequencies?
He’s a woof! :eek:
Clearly, dating Jeremy is a bad idea.