The Vampire Diaries 1x09 History Repeating

Thursday, 12 November, 2009
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

Talking to the ghost of your dead ancestor never works out well. :eek:

Alaric Saltzmann? I have a feeling he’s older than he looks.

Gratituitous shirtlessness! Hooray! :smiley:

He’s got a magic ring too. I knew it.

I love how everyone hangs out same bar, high school students, teachers, vampires…

Can’t get rid of a magic necklace that easily.

Would a couple of vampire brothers really play American football? It’s not exactly a pastime from their childhoods…

“I’m gonna bring her back.” :eek:

Won’t that require five vampires and some monks chanting Latin? :rolleyes:

Damon is pretty lucky when it comes to pointy wood. :slight_smile:

Probably best not to invite anyone inside in this town…

Hooray! Everyone’s sad and miserable.

Obviously things can only improve. :smiley:

Hey! Logan! Looking to be invited in. :eek: