Thursday, 8 October 2009
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
Wow, Stefan is kind of a dick. I mean, his brother only brutally killed a few people. Mummified for 50 years? Kinda harsh. :rolleyes:
Holes in her memory, holes in her neck, what’s the difference?
“…reminding me that you’re just permitting me to live here, permitting me to live.”
“Somebody had to mow the lawn.”
Ruh-roh. Pretty girls, always springing leaks in front of vampires.
This always turns out well.
“You should really take it off…”
…and burst into flames.
“He wasn’t bothering you, was he? He’s a little Alzy-heimy.”
Bitca. Somebody needs her carotid tapped.
Note to self: If you have a powerful vampire held captive in your basement, lock the frakkin’ doors so his enthralled minions can’t get to him.
Can’t wait 'til Carrie gets to go to the prom. :rolleyes:
“Mom, if I wanna talk boys, I’ll call Dad. At least he’s successfully dating one.”
Bye-bye, Vicky. You won’t be missed.
“What are you?”
I hate that. She knows exactly what he is.
The walking around in daylight and liking garlic might be throwing her…