The Vampire Diaries 1x02 The Night of the Comet

Thursday, September 17, 2009
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

Sorry, forgot this was on. Still getting adjusted to new TV. :slight_smile:

Ian Somerhalder really needs a better hairstylist. He looks like something died on his head. :eek:

Oops. Note to self: don’t tell the vampire that bit you that you recognize him. :slight_smile:

I love the “game face” effect in this show. It’s subtle, at first. I like it.

Too much teen angst, not enough vampires. At least Buffy covered the teen angst with witty banter. This show… not so much. :frowning:

Ooh, double entendre! :smiley:

Aww, sweet vampire lovin’. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m getting a strong “meh” vibe from this show. I hope there’s improvement, and soon, or I’ll be dropping it. :frowning: