The Songs Of Distant Earth Series

Sorry there are some SPOILERS in here If you haven’t read the book, there are some possible plot spoilers below.

just finished re-reading The Songs of Distant Earth, by Arthur C. Clarke.
On the Kindle no less, (which I think Clarke would approve of!)

I think that this book would make a good mini-series for either Showtime or HBO.
It has that open feel of ALOT of history that can be re-visited, is set in a beautiful local (Hawaii or other tropical local), lots of sex, love triangles, a bit of mystery, and lots of beautify young adults!
Kinda like what the seem to want.
Obviously they could play up the attempted mutiny, involve a few more people, do a last second rescue to save the ship, etc, but still doable for a 3 season arc I would think!
Also, not that I am a big fan of the flash pasts, but to see the last years of Earth and the solar system could be a bit fun for the main characters.

Anybody else think so?