This is one messed up movie. Which means it is perfect for me. If you have not heard of this film, it is about a signal that broadcasted over tv, radio and phones that turn people into homicidal maniacs who murder everyone in sight and have hallucinations. This movie is broken into 3 parts. Each directed by a different person. The first third is a straight up horror film. the second is a very dark black comedy and the third is a horror again. It is interesting because you get to see the infected actually communicate with each other. The people who are infected can think just like everyone else but they have hallucinations that confuse them. This a very great film because it doesn’t stay by the formula. If you find this in any theater, go see it. If you see it and did not like it, find me Airlock Baltar personally responsible.
This sounds a lot like the Steven King book, Cell. People turned into homicidal maniacs or into comatose like people. Is this based off of the book or in a completely different direction.