The Saga of Admiral Ackbar, mascot

ESPN has a promo video about the rise and fall of Admiral Ackbar as a potential mascot for Ole Miss.


“Who better to lead the Rebels than Admiral Ackbar?”

“I did it in my English class. Sorry Mom.”

They really needed to get those cheerleaders onboard. I got an idea. Have the quarterback dress as Admiral Ackbar and raid the girl’s dorm.

“Maybe it was too perfect.”

We can continue to dream.

WTF!!! Fraking geocoding prohibits me from watching it! :mad:
Even though I’ve re-routed my IP.

Blocked here too. Lame.

U.S. DMCA: Pretending the internet has borders since 1996.

We also have stuff they can’t access…but wait! They aren’t interested in it anyways.

WTF? It’s an ad. Who geo-limits ads? (Well, ESPN obviously.) Why the hell would you bother?

Bah, Lucas!! How many more dreams must you crush before you’re satisfied!?

Next time they should go with Mon Mothma.

Would the cheerleaders find her “sexy”?