The Questions only game

Who typed that?

Who typed what? Who types anything?

How do you interact with your computer to post a message on this thread?

How could I have got so wrapped up to forget?
Can I get a start over?

Could we start a thread like “watch your spelling” so everyone knows what they are getting into? Is it possible we could all be learned good; on the bestest ways of sentence doing? :wink:

Is it possible for me to put Emilese (or is that Emilian) on my job application as a second language? :smiley:

Should we all have faith in eachothers ability to change? (Much better)

Can we call something a language if it is only typed by one? Is she teh onyl one?

Do Jedi need to use a keyboard? :slight_smile:

Don’t you think its best to keep the keyboard interactions strictly platonic?

Do you think a Jedi would use the force on the keyboard?

Why wouldn’t they? I mean, if they’re using the force to go to the bathroom, why not? :slight_smile:

Isn’t the gutter thread bad enough?

Do we need a bathroom thread?

Gutter, bathroom - it’s all the same, isn’t it?

Did anyone else have the unpleasant childhood experience of finding a dead animal in the gutter? Not cool.

If jedi sdon’t use keyboards to type, do they use toielts to pee?

Dont’ the Sith Lords use the floor to pee?

What kind of dead animal?

Is that what the chasm in the Throne Room was for?

Didn’t the Empire appear to appreciate their trenches and gutters?

How does a Stormtrooper go to the bathroom?

Do stormtroopers have some kind of quick release button for such needs?