The Questions only game

Do you think Obama has enough sense to keep his hands off Merkel’s backside?


Does anyone want him to?

How can you ask something like that, Boxy?

Do you think they had an affair?

Are you talking about the Merkel Bush affair?

Meaning…the backrub heard round the world?

Was anyone else living in Palm Beach County in 2000? It was not a fun time.

Is there anyone out there who’s heard otherwise? (That’s what I hear)

Get beaten to death by it?

Seriously? How could you of all people say something like that and miss the IYKWIM potential? :slight_smile:

Why might that be?

High fructose corn syrup?

It is! Have you heard they’re fighting over whether to let him speak at the Brandenburg Gate or not?

Really? There are actually events happening outside our borders? :rolleyes:

Does he actually get keys?

Do they keep a Hide-A-Key under the marine at the door?

In all seriousness, should the sitting leader of another nation take sides in our electoral process? Can’t we screw things up enough on our own?

Does this help?


How’s it hanging? Did you hear he was pregnant? :smiley:

Is that not the creepiest moment in the history of international political dealings? :eek:

Bush and Merkel? Wasn’t it pretty clear that she found him repugnant?

Wouldn’t we all be better off if no one was living in Palm Beach County in 2000?

In all seriousness, all she did was reserving the Gate for elected officials and not campaign stuff. I like that, the Gate is sacred.

Bush and Merkel? Wasn’t it pretty clear that she found him repugnant?

Sometimes, women just fall for the wrong guy…

With all this Bush/Merkel talk is anyone else accidentally typing merkin when they mean Merkel?

are you sure its not Merlin?

Should I have?

Don’t you remember the guy with the dimples?

Does anyone else hate bananas over all other fruits?

What do you have against Bananas?

Does anyone want the last piece of homemade pizza?

What are the toppings?

How can anyone stand that smell?

(and will you believe that I have never eaten a banana in my entire life? I’ve never been able to bring myself to do it.)

How about Plantains?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?