The Questions only game

You could also be slapped less. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you a little behind on the thread? :rolleyes:

So, are you saying that when you don’t speak the language, you get more sex? I gotta travel to China NOW!

You do realize that a man can get in a great deal of trouble if a question is asked wrong?

Did you notice that I did not only get behind on the thread but I did not ask a question?

One of my good friends told her Ecuadoran host family that she was excitada to go to church with them. Probably the best misuse of the word ever.

Why is that that the false cognate excitado is just more germane to this thread than the embarazado one?

(Though I do love just explaining what they actually said, and watching the understanding dawn on their faces. Priceless.)

Have you noticed that even if you are behind, you can still post a completely un-related question and no one even blinks?

Didn’t you already know that? Who doesn’t love an accent? :slight_smile:

How did I miss that? :eek:

How is it more germane? Doesn’t one often lead to the other? :rolleyes:

Wouldn’t your eyeballs dry out?

Like they’re aren’t already burned-out from the “Straight to the gutter” thread?

Why would you look at it without eye protection???

Shouldn’t protection always be used?

Of course, but how many really do it?

Isn’t it lovely how RMHPH finished up my set-up? It makes me happy. :slight_smile:

Could it be only the ones who want to see?

Is that symbiosis? Or parasitism? :smiley:

Aren’t they just two sides of the same coin?

Are you working together or is it a one sided relationship?

Is half of your face horribly burned? :eek: