The Questions only game

have they been changed?

Did anyone reserve a court?

A court for what?

Didn’t you watch how they played the game?

Am I allowed to ask questions about the game?

What don’t you understand?

Why doesn’t anyone else want to play?

Aren’t we enough?

Can we change the subject?

What would you prefer to talk about?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Are you sure that a woodchuck can’t chuck wood?

Shouldn’t we leave Chuck out of all this?

Why aren’t Sean, Audra, and Chuck playing?

Well, what do you think of the ideas of people marring robots soot?

Isn’t that a non-sequitur?

They can’t already do that?

Does anyone know why we’ve got all these posts and the thread hasn’t splashed-down in the gutter yet? :slight_smile:

How would we go about doing that?

Would you like it to?