"The Plan" Box Art

I had a real strong suspicion that Gaius would turn out to be Daniel, then they dropped the whole thing like hot algae paste, and gave him angels on the brain.

RDM said that Daniel was just a way to explain away why #7 was skipped in the numbering.

How disappointingly pedestrian. Damn you RDM. :frowning:

Doesnt mean they wont explain it at some point, but Im not holding my breath

Amazon says “The Plan” will be released October 27th 2009

I can’t find any mention of the show on Syfy, not even using their search. Am I to believe that they aren’t going to air it? Or do they plan to air it just not promote it? It should at least appear in a search or a mention on their BSG page.

Syfy is planning to air it in January or sometime next year, although it will be available as you said on October first.


Well I’m going to buy the DVD on preorder then. There’s no way I can wait till January. I can do that for Caprica but not the Plan!