The official Serge fanclub

In the spirit of GWC’s love affair with everyone’s favorite centurion, Larry, allow me to formally launch the fanclub for the coolest character in the Caprica pilot: Serge

With the sheer volume of awesome that Serge exudes, I think it’s fair to assume that Serge was a spiritual predecessor of sorts for Larry. Admittedly, the physical transition from locomoting bowling pin to badass centurion is a bit of a leap. Nevertheless, I don’t question for a second that Larry can trace much of his Fonzie-esque coolness to this überbutler.

All I can say is: I want one.

Serge and the other rolling bowling pin robits are the Great Grandylons of the Skinjobs.

Its true.

The3…can’t link to pics on the BSG wiki…here’s a capture I did of Serge.

I liked the bots they used for targets for the Cylon prototype too.

He’s also cool because he reminds me of Tom Servo…

This post has nothing at all to do with Chrono Cross. I know it’s in the Caprica board, but…

seems like all the pre-larry’s used ther uni-ball method of locomoton. They’re fraked when it comes to stairs, tho.

The target practice models seemed like the same basic robit just upgraded for military purposes.

Like a humvee is to a sedan.

Er, don’t y’all find Serge a little, um, phallic?

We’d need an Audra phallus report… :stuck_out_tongue:

Serge’s great-grandfather?


I’m following serge on Twitter @sergegraystone. He answers questions. Seems I was wrong, he does do stairs.

Haha! I’ll have to give that a look.

He might be able to go down them.

[quote]seems like all the pre-larry’s used ther uni-ball method of locomoton. They’re fraked when it comes to stairs, tho.
He might be able to go down them.[/quote]

Somone needs to do a mashup video of Serge, with Serge using Bender or Tom Servo dialogue. That would be awesome.

I’ve been following Serge for a while now. I daresay he’s more interesting and informative than the show itself.

I think the writers enjoy writing for that account.