LOL! Nice looking family you got there DawnAZ!
That is fantastic!
Thanks for taking care of that. The other one was in Seattle for some reason. I fought it off by running it over repeatedly with my bicycle.
You’re girls adorable! So, your family, it’s your wife, three little girls, and you? You’re the only man in the house?
Don’t be too impressed- I had to look it up! Aw, I’m glad he got a kick out of it!
Can’t say that I’ve ever been to a party where those things were done, so I don’t exactly know what they are. I’ve certainly heard of them. Then again, most of these wedding receptions and parties, I’m drunk 5 minutes in, so all sorts of things could have happened afterwards, and I’d have no recollections.
I have seen children doing hokey pokey. Never seen adults do it.
Ah, it’s one of those great fears of modern days of digital cameras and cellphone cameras, isn’t i? I always go to bars and clubs with a bunch of friends, get drunk off my ass, and the next day, I’m wondering, ok, what did I do last night? Did I do something stupid? And then, boom, all the pictures come up 5 minutes later online. Ah… sad times, sad times.
Then again, I tend to post these embarassing pictures far more often than I am IN it, so I guess I have been lucky so far.
I’ve got two little girls. The girl in the middle is my step-sister.
I am the only man in my household. I’m building a bathroom.
When we left our house to go trick-or-treating, we had to fight off a hand of blue. A small task since they usually travel in pairs. It was easily defeated.
Mini-Vader was instrumental in the attack. An effective ally.
Our band of heroes (from left to right): The Dark Witch Fairy Queen, The Alley Cat, and the Protector of Spells and Magic Fairy Queen
And Vader chooses his candidate.
Just like University of Notre Dame is famous for their Touchdown Jesus, Talos House in Long Island is famous for their Touchdown Vader.
Hehe… there should be a designated men’s room in your household.
Hey, anyone actually heard of this? Apparently some kids mark the sidewalk with informative Halloween Candy Code (reminiscent of hobo code) in order to colloratively maximize their candy gathering efficiency. That is so cool.
Yes that is the husband, KyleAZ. The big boy passed me up two years ago and it was odd at first. Now I enjoy the tall hugs. He drinks about a gallon of milk a day and anything else he can get his hands on.
Armando- you little monster is the cutest thing I’ve seen in ages- just darling!
There will be. There has to be.
Heh-heh. Thanks.
Not sure when she’ll be able to give me tall hugs though.
I do like it. It is adoooooooorable
I went as a model, and my husband as a soccer player. It was the first time I had worn a miniskirt in, um… years. But it all went fine, so phew. No pics, though, I’m too embarrassingly inebriated in all of them.
In time, my friend, in time.
Oh, so Mr. and Mrs. Beckham, eh? That makes you Posh Spice? Or, as Audra calls it, “Old Spice”? :eek:
It’s natural to feel photographic regret when you get real drunk at a party. Unfortunately, in my past experience, the more drunken shame I feel the day after a party, the more photos of that night exist in other people’s cameras.
Sigh… those photos… it’s the reason I can never run for president.
LOL, the inspiration was actually from models and soccer players in S. America and all the jokes out there about that (seriously, there are even songs making fun of women who only go for soccer players).
But then people make that comparison. So at least people understood it without us having to explain
I ended up going as a super conductor, which meant wearing my work clothes and a cape while carrying my baton. It got a few chuckles. No pics as well.
I’m putting more effort into this next year.
And I just noticed that I made a quote in Frakkintalos’ signature. That’s what I get for calling in three times while I’m on the road. Can’t let my wife hear THIS podcast (I’m saving it for the commute tomorrow). heh heh