The Official Halloween Costume Photo Thread

Keara can yoiu adopt me and make me cool scifi halloween costumes plz? /puppy dog eyes

Wow. That is an awesome costume! Great job!

And this message is for your son:

Your costume is great! You really look like Doctor Who! And you’ve got the cool sonic screwdriver too!
Now I want you to go over to your Mom right now and give her hug and thank her again for her hard work on the costume.:slight_smile:

Mega-awesome. Like, the mega-supra-plus-most-awesomnest.

I posted this in the wrong thread yesterday…

We finished this years Halloween costumes last night. They’re built out of 2" blue house foam and single layer cardboard (chipboard).

You can see into the helmets because of the camera flash. In person you can see in very well.


Alright! Those homemade Clone Troopers rock my world! So much better than store-bought! Your kids look awesome! Way to go! Especially on all the details!

With a face like that of your avatar…uh…I’m scared…are you handing me puppy dog eyes or threatening me with them?

(But I get the sentiment…and thank you. It’s very sweet of you to say it. Now change that scary avatar to something less scary like a kitten!)

LOL–apparently there’s a 1st grader named Emma who “loves him”. LMBO. She must ride his bus and enlisted one of her friends to tell him. He’s in 2nd grade and is so clueless about girls. The funny thing is, though, when the extremely pretty little girl a few doors up from us calls to invite him over to play, he is out the door so fast he leaves flames behind him. :smiley:

You could skip the tux, wear the cape and be Captain Underpants.

Very impressive response–especially the spelling! Lucas got a chuckle when I showed him what you wrote! I wish we had a Tardis for him to pose with–that would be SO COOL!!! Alas, it’s out for repair. :smiley:

Thank you both! I think it was just meant to be, as once I stopped whining about how hard it would be to find all the parts I needed, they were actually pretty easy to find. It’s like those Visa “priceless” commercials: seeing the look on his face was worth any amount of effort, really.

Oh, and FT, you can get the sneaks here. (Free shipping, even if you have to send them back because they are the wrong size.)

Absolutely perfect. Totally Geektastic. I will show this to my son. He’d prefer to dress up as the 5th doctor but there is NO WAY I will ever find a long coat like Davison’s. I did find celery though.

Oh, AND I should add, I see the Doctor has finally become the ginger he always wanted to be.

I know. I always think of that when I look at this picture.

Hey Chuck,

Weren’t you supposed to post pictures of your Buck Rogers costume???

We’re waiting…

Sooo, here’s Gwen from the zoo halloween tonight:

And Gwen and mommy from before we went to the zoo:

Yeah, it’s a Sleeping Beauty thing.

So to be different and because I’ve been in such a 40K mood lately:

(I was trying for something like this)

Keara, you can tell how much he loves it from the big ol smile on his face. That’s awesome!

The caption should read: “Casting the 11th doctor already” :slight_smile:

That is brilliant.

My Fidel Castro costume is going to rock so hard. I’ve got the olive drab with name embroidered on, courtesy of the girlfriend, a cigar for the breast pocket, beard, and a military-style cap (sadly, I couldn’t get my hands on one of the green ones with the red star that are so popular with the Salvadoran teenagers in my neighborhood). Will post pics this weekend.

Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of my kicksorrybarb costume from last year- I was one hot Starbuck. Perhaps I’ll put on that costume and take pics to post here just for fun.

Hey, Troy! Beautiful kids you got there. I don’t know why I find it hilarious that they are wearing full stormtrooper outfit and no shoes. It’s so cute.

HA! That is awesome! Look at the details on those suits. The blaster burn makes and dings! That’s so cool. If real stormtroopers had children, and the death star had “take your kids to work” day, this is how they’d dress them up before taking them along.

Good job, dude.