Well, I got the “of” right between the two.
So so so so Awesome. I see the creative gene has passed down to your girls.
Awesome, frakkintalos!
Here’s other half of clan ThotFull
(I posted my little one’s pic in an earlier post http://forum.galacticwatercooler.com/showpost.php?p=234476&postcount=176 ).
Here’s my older girl. A donut. She and her friends went Trick or Treat with “breakfast” theme. Her friends were a Waffle and Pop Tart and Cereal Box. (I’ll have pics of the whole group later).
And here’s both girls negotiating, trading and admiring their “spoils” of Halloween adventuring:
Here I am as everyones favorite Keeper of the Keys.
So, whatcha canning?
I was at my friend’s house. I think it was tomatoes or salsa…I didn’t look too close.
Please tell me she’s going to be a screenwriter/novelist/comic book writer when she grows up. The world needs her imagination.
Ok, here’s mine:
The most difficult when sporting claws is to learn how to drink without decapitating people…
A friend of mine went as the devil, complete with long fingernails. He discovered it was problematic to go to the bathroom…
That too.
This has actually made me reconsider having children. I think I’m going to devise a step-by-step, geek indoctrination methodology; gotta make sure they get raised right.
Sweet Cavil on a cracker! That is fabulous!
Here they are battling:
I simply love Supergirl’s pose. You have some great kids, there. One with a fabulous imagination, and one with an overdevelopped sense of smarm (at least judging from her kicking pose). There must never be a dull moment at Chez 'Talos.
That is some fine, fine work, sir. Bravo.
Pictures of the little cylon (not actually dressed as a cylong, though that might have to be done soon) and her big sister, Medieval (though she thought it was medi-evil. As in, “I don’t think wearing black makes me look evil.” I love it!) princess will be forthcoming as soon as we upload them. Been a busy week.
Happy belated Halloween folks
Hope you guys had a good one…
You look great, David. I really have to get a Star Trek costume. shame
Okay, this took longer than I expected, but here are the youngins from clan Bayolo on All Howls Eve:
That’s my eldest as a Medieval princess (actual quote, “I don’t think wearing black makes one evil.” As in “Medievil.” heh heh)
The Hershey’s Kiss is Elena, wearing a costume her sister wore when she was 10 months old. (The pumpkin on the right was carved by big sis.)
Awww, they look so cute.
Holy crap, that’s really good!