The Official Halloween Costume Photo Thread

Well, I got the “of” right between the two. :stuck_out_tongue:

So so so so Awesome. I see the creative gene has passed down to your girls.:smiley:

Awesome, frakkintalos!

Here’s other half of clan ThotFull
(I posted my little one’s pic in an earlier post ).

Here’s my older girl. A donut. She and her friends went Trick or Treat with “breakfast” theme. Her friends were a Waffle and Pop Tart and Cereal Box. (I’ll have pics of the whole group later).

And here’s both girls negotiating, trading and admiring their “spoils” of Halloween adventuring:

Here I am as everyones favorite Keeper of the Keys.

So, whatcha canning?

I was at my friend’s house. I think it was tomatoes or salsa…I didn’t look too close.

Please tell me she’s going to be a screenwriter/novelist/comic book writer when she grows up. The world needs her imagination.

Ok, here’s mine:

The most difficult when sporting claws is to learn how to drink without decapitating people…

A friend of mine went as the devil, complete with long fingernails. He discovered it was problematic to go to the bathroom…

That too. :slight_smile:

This has actually made me reconsider having children. I think I’m going to devise a step-by-step, geek indoctrination methodology; gotta make sure they get raised right. :smiley:

Sweet Cavil on a cracker! That is fabulous!

Here they are battling:

I simply love Supergirl’s pose. You have some great kids, there. One with a fabulous imagination, and one with an overdevelopped sense of smarm (at least judging from her kicking pose). There must never be a dull moment at Chez 'Talos.

That is some fine, fine work, sir. Bravo.

Pictures of the little cylon (not actually dressed as a cylong, though that might have to be done soon) and her big sister, Medieval (though she thought it was medi-evil. As in, “I don’t think wearing black makes me look evil.” I love it!) princess will be forthcoming as soon as we upload them. Been a busy week.

Happy belated Halloween folks

Hope you guys had a good one…

You look great, David. I really have to get a Star Trek costume. shame

Okay, this took longer than I expected, but here are the youngins from clan Bayolo on All Howls Eve:

That’s my eldest as a Medieval princess (actual quote, “I don’t think wearing black makes one evil.” As in “Medievil.” heh heh)

The Hershey’s Kiss is Elena, wearing a costume her sister wore when she was 10 months old. (The pumpkin on the right was carved by big sis.)

Awww, they look so cute.

Holy crap, that’s really good!