The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein

The classic novel about the rebellion on Luna. Certainly designed to evoke similiarities to the American Revolution, but worth reading for everyone outside the US too since it is here that Heinlein lays down a lot of his ultra-capitalist ideas. Very thought-provoking indeed.

I have herd good things about this book, but I have also herd that the book is written in a odd type of slang, kind of like A Clockwork Orange but less so. Can anyone who has read it give their input as to if it helps or hurts the novel’s “readability”?

I’ve read it. Loved it. Spent the next week typing like the book does. That was fun. It’s pretty much just removing pronouns if they’re not necessary.

What a great book! He has some revolutionairy ideas about marriage that he outlines in this work.

and articles. I think there wasn’t a single “the” in the entire book

Tnstaafl! :slight_smile:

I guess what I’m asking is if that made it hard to read.

After the like…20th page, no. It’s not confusing. It’s actually…rather good. Like I wish we used it.

Not hard, but a maybe a bit awkward. I think it’s supposed to add to a sense of a certain awkwardness about the plot, though. You’ll have to judge for yourself.

Is difficult at first, but get used to it. Doesn’t take long. Only problem was I’m re-reading by audiobook and just finished English course. Had to focus to write regular.
