Nicely done. I hope you don’t run out of inspiration or canvase.
Keep up the good work.
Nicely done. I hope you don’t run out of inspiration or canvase.
Keep up the good work.
So it has been a while. The holidays and January sidetracked me, but I am ready to be back on track! I’ve got a lot of exciting new artwork on the easel and even more in the brain. Here is the one I forgot to put up here for viewing. It comes from the Snowpocalypse in Atlanta! Next blog post should be up very soon
About the artwork: Narnian Lamp Post Blog Entry
Thank you! Luckily I make my own canvases (or is it canvi?) which is cheaper and I’m less likely to run out! Thanks for checking it out. It helps to force myself to work faster and more if I know people are looking out every once in a while. so Thanks!
Pac-Man blog post just went up. Here are the three images in the tryptic from said post. Pretty fun one.
Nice one. What media did you use?
How did you make the paint glow?
It’s actually acrylic and spray paint on canvas. The spray paint is what makes it have the effect of looking like it’s glowing. It was a pretty fun process, my first real painting to come out of spray painting.
New series! I am really enjoying the spray paint medium with these. You can see the blog post here if you like.
Nice job. That reptile looks like Bossk. lol
I like these a lot. You should do a Warhol style one.
Oh dear. What are they teaching these kids today?
As I said on Twitter, Gorn-a-licious! I am saving up for the T-shirt.
Oh no. :eek:
A HAL-9000 Warhol.
Those are really OSSIM!
That’s the next step! I just have to get back into the printmaking studio.
Hm, t-shirts. I’ll work on that.
Spring is one of my favorite times of the year because I get to go to the Renaissance Festival. None of my friends understand why I continue to go every year, but I still go, even if I am running low on friends who I can drag along as they’ll only attend once. Anyway, I did an artwork anda blog post for the GA RenFest since it opened this past weekend. I’m going May 14 Highland fling weekend! Woot.
Alternate view:
Nice. It reminds me of the Game of Thrones house sigils.
Hm, I haven’t read or watched any of Game of Thrones yet. It’s on my list though!!
Doctor Who Nerdage! This week, in anticipation of the premier of series 6, I painted this week’s art called “The Silence”:
Can’t wait!!
I quite like that one.