Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Grindhouse, upcoming Predators movie) is doing the Jetsons live action flick…
Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Grindhouse, upcoming Predators movie) is doing the Jetsons live action flick…
I honestly don’t see how you can pull this off live action and not have it come off as overly cheesy
Or overly violent with Robert Rodriguez at the helm.
the dog had to die he was a dirty dog dirty dirty dirty
also that boy Elroy! dirty dirty!
Agreed. witness “Speed Racer”
Hey, Hey, Hey, HEY!
Speed Racer was awesome. With awesomesauce. And a side of awesome.
Now if you want a cautionary tale, “The Flintstones” should do the trick.
Pike Pike Pike shakes head in disappointment
Speed Racer was gay…with gay sauce…and a side of gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
I was just disappointed that they didn’t keep the Japanese anime look but with modern tech. It could have been brilliant!