The IT Crowd

I know its not SF but it has a lot of references. So any fans?

what is IT?

or do you mean just in the IT department of work?

The IT crowd is a television show over in Blighty about 3 office workers in the IT department for a large multi-national corperation…without a doubt it is the best original comedy to come out of britain since Alan Partridge and theres an american remake (starring the same main character actor, which is a huge blessing) in a similar vein to the office. When it comes out watch and if its a patch on the original you may just die from laughing (I’ve come close once or twice)

I saw the previews and meant to watch it but then I forgot when it was on… sad, really… It sure seemed like an accurate portrayal of the IT depts I’ve run into, god luv’em.

Are they making an American one? I keep tring to find the…well…you know…the spiecal satalite on the internet, but the torrant won’t seem to download right. I’ve just started Dexter so…haah

Yes, they are planning on Americanizing this one. Which scares me because the Britishness of the show is part of what makes it so great.

im not worried, I think if you go in expecting it to run like a new series of the british one youll probably be dissapointed because american humor is different from british. However unlike most people on either side I don’t think one is better than the other. For me british humor is like a sniper, each episode will have a few lone jokes thatll make you laugh so much its hard to breath, whereas american humor is the machine gun approach where youll get a small chuckle every minute but no major laughs.

Besides it’s still got Richard Ayoade playing moss


Everyone at work watches it, but I can’t, it makes me uncomfortable as it hits a little too close to home! (I’m a web developer)

What a wonderful way of putting it, the more so as it’s flattering to us Brits, or at least the ones writing on comedy shows…

I have just discovered I can watch this on Netflix instant view. Bloody brilliant!

Sounds interesting! Shall we frak it?

If you like this, my I recommend Father Ted? It shares a writer with The IT Crowd and may just be slightly better, although that could be because I grew up around a lot of Irish Priests…

I’ll second the recomendation for Father Ted. A very wacked show, a terrible thing that it only lasted 3 seasons due to the death of the lead actor.