The Incredible Hulk trailer

After last month’s Iron Man trailer which looks already very exciting, here comes The Incredible Hulk trailer and… it looks great too! I didn’t particularly dislike the previous Hulk movie directed by Ang Lee (and this new version isn’t apparently a direct sequel of it) but it wasn’t really the best movie ever (I’ve only seen it once so maybe I should give it a second chance). So hopefully this time, they’ll get it right (and the Hulk looks definitely much better in this version!). Edward Norton (just like Robert Downey Jr for Iron Man) is a great casting choice to play Bruce Banner, he also co-wrote the movie.

These two movies are the first two movies coming out of the new Marvel Studios. Contrary to the other franchises (Spider-Man is linked to Sony, X-Men to Fox, …) this will allow a shared universe and with Samuel Jackson supposedly appearing in both movies as Nick Fury… an Avengers movie shouldn’t be too far away :slight_smile:


Yeah it does look pretty sweet although it feels like they put the whole movie into one trailer.

I don’t know, guys. I saw this earlier today and when I saw the end of the trailer, with the looming fight, I had to laugh. The CG looks downright laughable to me. Or am I being too much of a fuddy-duddy?

It looks alright. I’ll probably go see it. However Iron Man looks way better. I never really was a fan of the Hulk. I’m not sure why.

Never, ever, do slow-mo with CGI creatures.

People should have figured that out after Matrix 2.

One of the few who like that liked the last movie, but i want to see the hulk like i want to see Godzilla, destroying tanks and skyscrapers, i mean he’s the hulk and must destroy a lot of really big things, and i’ll be good, but to be honest Iron man is the one i’m looking forward to, i think i’ll wait until both are released and watch them on the same day (If possible depending on release dates) and i think that will be pretty damn cool movie day.