The Guitar G33k thread

hi y’all,

I haven’t done a youtube bombing for some time, cos I don’t know how y’all are gonna take it. ~_~ But I hope to make this an engaging thread, especially for all those guitar/bass player out there. Rock on!

To kick this off, here’s

the best guitar arrangement for the theme to Game of Thrones (for guitar quartet) that I can find on Youtube




here’s : Andy McKee’s cover of Africa


… and how to play it


Everybody Wants to Rule the World


Ben Lacey - watch this folks!


Awesome :slight_smile: I still have a Gibson L5 I play on from time to time

Starship Troopers as taught by probably the greatest of all living guitarists, Steve Howe of Yes.


Here is Steve showing how to play The Clap


And finally some kid doing a fantastic cover of the classical guitar section of The Ancient. He sounds just like Steve Howe!


Awesome stuff! Keep 'em coming! :slight_smile:

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Alright, today is for all the gamers out there - I’m covering the theme from Morrowind !

Apparently there are tons of gamers who have also picked up a musical instrument or two; and here they are wearing their heart on their sleeves. It’s also fun to watch various arrangements of the same theme played on different instruments. I’m afraid I’m gonna geek out in this already geek thread and go to town with this :

Ok, this is, by far, THE BEST adaptation of the Morrowind theme. EPIC. WIN. (Or “win already, lor” as we say in Singapore LOL )


This is a young Kitaro-Jedi Padawan acolyte - awesome stuff.


This is an arrangment for the dulcimer. Yes, dulcimer - that lapsteel guitar instrument from the Appalachians. It’s pretty haunting and lends itself suprisingly well to this mediaeval sounding tune.


These are two different arrangements for the harp - I can’t decide which is better. One performed by a guy, another by a lady.



I’m gonna end this with a guitar version. I chose this video because he’s applying proper classical technique, so you could learn from a positive example. Also, the arrangement is kinda “greensleeves”-ish.

I hope y’all had fun! :slight_smile:



Ooh. I love guitars, and wanted to learn to play! Unfortunately, I have what my old music teacher, Mrs. Mellinger, used to call “stupid fingers,” and–

But really, I have tiny hands with really short fingers and they can’t really reach all the way across the frets. I still love listening to guitars, though.

dang … that Ben Lacey link above is inspiring :slight_smile:

I play … poorly (but happy) … and have the greatest respect for those who do it well.

I walk to this holy place about once a month and spend a Saturday morning admiring the sights and sounds.


Like the old joke about “you never see a motorcycle parked outside a therapist’s office”, I apply that as well to the guitar. Pick her up, tune, strum and all is right with the world.


Anyone got links of Jensen Ackles or Jason Momoa playing guitar? :slight_smile:

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