yeah, with Uhura (the 60’s version)… it’s easy to confuse the real world importance of her character and actress just being present, with the almost total lack of story contribution of the character. ( if taken as a whole, the over 80 something hours of programming in which she is cast)
Also in contrast to the Ripley’s, Troi’s, Kaylee’s, Kira Nyreese’s, Laura Roslan’s, StarBucks, Zoe’s, heck even the man- looking chick from B5… she doesn’t rate. She is a favorite for political reason, nostalgia reasons, historical reasons, personal inspirational reasons… but not as an all around great character? If one takes only what is canon,… there is not much there. Her character isn’t much more than Kalley ( from BSG, heck Kalley get’s more characterization than we ever get of Uhurah) I like what is there. but she doesn’t fly with the likes of janeway or beverly crusher ( i can’t believe I just typed that…), STarbuck or the likes.
I have to say that the best sci-fi women characters are: ( and I am trying to say great characters… and not just hotness. Also… it’s hard for movie characters to beat out TV characters… just becuase of the nature of characterization in TV vs movies.)
- Dana Scully
- Laura Rosalin
- Starbuck
- T’Pol
- Sarah Conner ( All three versions)
- Jadzia
- Ripley
- Zoe ( firefly)
- 6 ( the whole line)
- Seven of 9