The gift that was terminator 3 commentary track

Watched the movie for the first time, and will wait to comment on the movie till later, but Arnold on the commentary is just… wonderfull in a the worst kind of way its like a train wreck, and soon i’m trying to not pee my pants with laughter at what the man is actually saying…

to think he’s runs California

now i have to find every movie he has ever done commentary track for…

random quote

there will be the first terminator and there will be my naked body, the second terminator with my naked body…


Well, you’ve just made me change my plans. I was gonna download T3 via Amazon Unbox, but now you’ve convinced me to get the DVD so I can hear the Aaaarnold commentary track.

Even with the commentary track it’s not all that good. By the way try the conan movies. commentary track s are also informative…:wink: