The Force Unleashed Preview has a preview of The Force Unleashed Comic here. It’s a little scene with Bail Organa.

It looks pretty good but I’ll probably be buying the game.

I’m buying it all. The book, the comic, and eventually the game. I’ll probably pick up the figures too. :smiley:

You’re a geek!:eek:


I thought being a geek was a requirement to post here on the GWC. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I bought the Graphic Novel and I just have to say. I haven’t even read it and I know it will be awesome. The art is gorgeous… I would recommend it just for the art. But I am sure the story will be interesting as well. I will report back after I have read it. Which might be a while considering how much stuff I am reading at the moment.

I picked it up last weekend as well. I keep peeking at it, but I’m saving the main story for when I play the game.

Birthday in 30 days. It’s on the list!

So I cracked the other night and ended up reading the comic cover to cover. I won’t give any spoilers away other than to say “WOW WOW WOW WOW”. However you get TFU story be prepared to be amazed by an awesome story. Even if you are not a big EU person this is one SW story that can’t be missed…