Monday, 15 November 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
He didn’t really die right?
So why does Hal Holbrook get to decide such things?
Omg, please stop airing that snooki commercial.
Sitting on glass?
Are you sure they said “sitting”? :eek:
Huh. Not sure what to make of this.
Kidnapping a doctor is probably the least of their problems right now, but still…
I’m not a lawyer, but assuming they are cleared of every charge before this, this I doubt will be cleared without the doctor never pressing charges.
Considering that they may well end up on the same side as the president, I’m pretty sure he could pardon them.
“James, if I’m exposed, I’m not gonna go down alone.”
Somehow, I doubt that threat was wise.
ETA: “Let’s complete this conversation in person.”
Yep, you’re boned. :eek:
Hmm… Not sure I want to make that prediction. I have no clue the direction of this show.
I will predict the death of the VP though.
Oh wow. Bipartisan ticket?
mind blown
Blair has a badass walk I’ll give him that.
The hell? That Cape commercial had more blank scenes than actual scenes from the series.
$168? That all??
Audra? A GWC fan?
I’d say that’s a safe bet.
Would be funny if they catch him and he sings like canary.
Omg!! My timing!