Monday, 8 November 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
Wow. I’m late and no one is here…
How could he not recognize him?
Mother? Whoa.
Oh, that’s not right…
I had to cede control of the TV. I’ll catch up later.
I have so many problems with this show. I want to like it but it bores me so much.
I was ready to cancel future DVR records and then tonight’s ending. What. The. Frak?
Given this show’s track record, we won’t find out though. UGH!
“Don’t you understand? It will make them want to hunt us even more.”
She’s not wrong.
Ruh-roh. The Magister is twisting in the wind. :eek:
ETA: And now he’s getting ready to do the nasty in the past-y. :eek:
“Agent Lee. He’s the mole.”
See, that’s why you have to kill the guy before he goes in the trunk.
Amateurs. :rolleyes:
“And the correct term is Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, or EBEs.”
Um, what’s wrong with “alien”? It’s a perfectly cromulent term.
“I’m sorry, Mother.”
So… is she just his mother? Or alien brood mother? :eek:
Amanda Graystone looks pretty good for her age. What is she, 150,080 or so?
It’s weird to see Hal Holbrooke as a supervillain.
Is someone testing him?
ETA: That’s quite a test, if so. :eek:
Wait? Lee is human? Or is he frakking with him?
ETA: Nice frame job.
The president drinks beer in the Oval Office? That’s… unsettling. :eek:
Old little girls? Are they experimenting with the alien DNA for some kind of fountain of youth? Looks like it could use some work. :rolleyes: