The ending of Asylum of the Daleks (with poll!)

Was the Daleks forgetting the Doctor…

A) A Good Thing™ because now the Daleks won’t be hunting him, laying traps for him, otherwise interferring with his life AND he can hide out from reality better (per last seasons “need to disappear”

B) The WORST THING that can happen to the universe because now the Daleks have nothing they fear-no oncoming storm, no predator, nothing that makes them stop for even a second and think “will this draw The Doctor’s attention and mean a really bad outcome for us?”

There was floated the possibility of a third option during the post episode hangout I was on Saturday night. Because they no longer know who he is, but they can clearly see that he is powerful enough to infiltrate their parliament, they could end up tearing the universe apart trying to find him and stop him out of a different kind of fear; an equally horrible possibility. I am interested to see what happens next with Oswyn (sp?) since she broke the fourth wall in the end. Shooter had also mentioned that the Doctor never really got an answer to his question of where she got the milk. Those two moments could definitely be clues to whatever overarcing plot Moffat has in store for this season.

Did I miss a scene? Where did she break the fourth wall?

And I thought that the milk question was answered by the fact that she was living in a computer simulation. The milk didn’t need to come from anywhere. It was being provided to her to placate some human need they couldn’t erase. It was a key to figuring out that she was there, but no more. Though I am frequently wrong about this sort of thing :slight_smile:

As to the Daleks, I hope this gives the Doctor a chance to make it through a season mostly Dalek free. They keep telling us they won’t be doing Dalek stuff, and they keep breaking that promise. On that vein, I’m going to hope it’ll be a Good Thing™. For the show :slight_smile: