The end

options are good! To use a sports analogy…you’re a free agent…enjoy it while other teams court ya…it’s half the fun as you figure it all out :slight_smile:

The end of the of the split is coming closer to happening. Finally after months of waiting it’s time to deal with the biggest issue. The house. The decision has been made to sell and split the profit that we have. I am finally feeling weights being lifted.

One more day of work this week and then it’s hopefully a trip away this weekend. I met an amazing girl by total chance and we are supposed to go away tonight. I need the time away to think about a lot of things. Just get out of this town and not have to worry.

I am at wits end. I can’t stay where I am anymore. The amount of alcohol my step dad consumes in a day is scarring me. There is no way to stop it. He just drinks non stop. And he drives drunk. I don’t know what to do anymore.

I will pm you shortly Temperal

Sometime life throws you a lot of curve balls at once. Everything piles up one after the other. Going forward is really the only thing one can do. I’m very unsure of my position in this world. Time to step up. Take control of my life that I let too many others control. Even if it means starting from the bottom.

Just keep running like The Hulk and knocking problems out of your way.