The Dark Knight 11/19 @ 10 PM ET

I really liked his portrayal. You really felt the dichotomy brewing underneath, waiting to bubble up to the surface. Great special effect there, as well.

I like the recurring relationship that the Joker have with the Tv screen.

Nicholson Joker was more more of a Stanley Kubrick kind of Director.

Ledger Joker is more of a You tube type of thing.

Hammil ( from the Animated Series ) was more a TV show host.

They keep a constituency of the caracter in some way. I like it.

Joker has taken over the cocktail party, and he’s eating all the shrimp

His various stories about his deformities are soooooo creepy !!!

Has Batman arrived yet? I find this scene very funny.

I always leave a gun in pieces in a all away when I have a Hideout in the bilding.:wink:

James Bond bootknife.

Gotta LOVE IT!:stuck_out_tongue:

I love that we never really get a clear answer on which, if any, of the stories is true. Joker should maintain a bit of mystery, IMO. That was my biggest (well, only) gripe about Jack Nicholson’s version, that we got a clear backstory on him.

Agreed !


It’s inspire by a Comic call The Killing Joke.

It’s short and Brillant!!!:wink:

The Lucius Fox mindfrak on this guy is priceless.

Is it the blackmail speech? Love that!

Basically it’s : Mhhh is it safe? Let’s go play puzzle…

Love the fact that during the day he still do is thing but as Bruce Wayne.
And if I<m not mistaken, when he talks to the blindfolded cop he uses the BatVoice to still mask himself.
Dear batvoice;)

The Batvoice was a bit overdone in this movie. I think Bale was overcompensating for being upstaged by Ledger. :slight_smile:

Gods, fraking damnit. I got the Dark Knight DVD for xmas last year, and I can’t find the friggin’ thing. :mad:

The Two face emergence is well played. It’s not just… hey here some accident that i can’t live with. mhhmmm lets kill some people see how it’s like.

It started before by a bit of stress that transform into a obsessive compulsive circle of hell, and if I might had, he’s so well played.

I hated the Tommy Lee Jones iteration.

I was thinking that, but I didn’t want to sound nitpicky :slight_smile:

I had it from Netflix last week and turned it in. Obtained it by “other means”

Who could blame him.
I think Bale is actually one of the weakest actor in the lot.
OK the lot is beautiful, Ledger, Freeman, Eckhart, Oldman, Caine and even Roberts is actually good in this one.