Seeing as how it is at years end or as my grandma used to say the year-end dump-bin
The sci-fi I found most enjoyable
I preface with I wish I could say BSG even a completely tricked out season three DVD. But hey there’s always next year and I wanted to keep this positive so for me this year’s top list was
Xbox 360 Mass effect: a truly different and amazing game, that shows me what video games could be in the next few years. And my fellow Canadians made it so go canucks (by that i mean Canadians and do not in any way endorse the Vancover Canucks hockey team sorry its a canadian thing:rolleyes:
Watchmen by Alan Moore I know I’m the last person to the party but still it was amazing. the best $12.00 I’ve spent in a long time.
renaissance: not well know but a Sci-fi animated film noir that was just awesome.
Razor was very good the highlight, was the acting Stephanie Chaves-Jacobsen and Michelle Forbes
And a surprising callout to Smallville, I was sure they had jumped the shark yet I was wrong, makes me wish it had always been this good.
What about the rest of you all what are your favorites from 2007?