the best sci-fi you enjoyed most this year

Seeing as how it is at years end or as my grandma used to say the year-end dump-bin

The sci-fi I found most enjoyable

I preface with I wish I could say BSG even a completely tricked out season three DVD. But hey there’s always next year and I wanted to keep this positive so for me this year’s top list was

Xbox 360 Mass effect: a truly different and amazing game, that shows me what video games could be in the next few years. And my fellow Canadians made it so go canucks (by that i mean Canadians and do not in any way endorse the Vancover Canucks hockey team sorry its a canadian thing:rolleyes:

Watchmen by Alan Moore I know I’m the last person to the party but still it was amazing. the best $12.00 I’ve spent in a long time.

renaissance: not well know but a Sci-fi animated film noir that was just awesome.

Razor was very good the highlight, was the acting Stephanie Chaves-Jacobsen and Michelle Forbes

And a surprising callout to Smallville, I was sure they had jumped the shark yet I was wrong, makes me wish it had always been this good.

What about the rest of you all what are your favorites from 2007?

Well, there was a good amount of things in many categories. Yep, I agree with a lot of the above.

Mass Effect was awesome… my game of the year award.
Honorable mentions: Halo 3(multiplayer only really), Assassins creed, and lets not forget the treat of BioShock

Books, Comics, and Graphic Novels, anything you read:
-Marvel Civil War
-Mass Effect Revelation
-Halo Uprising
-Halo Books: I only remember Ghost of Onyx but I could swear there was another.

Damn… I didn’t read much scifi now that I see it in retrospect…
even though I did read through Dune again, which I actually did not because of this board (sorry guys) but, because of the upcoming movie(tee-hee) which I knew about in advance was in the works… sorry side thought now Im rambling.

-Razor was awesome in spite of all doubts I might have had (goes under movies as well since I saw it in theaters)
-BSG ended with an amazing cliff hanger (beat the sopranos series ending on my list of awesome endings)
-Lost (ehh, kinda sci-fi) ended awesome
-Heroes season 1 Ended nicely(could have been better) and Season 2 was ok but I feel the writers strike affected it to much to give to harsh a judgement.

Movies: (saving the best for last) I know way to many movies to name in this category so I’ll name the most important ones.

  • Children of Men (yes that was still technically this year) in my top 5 best sci-fi movies ever… which reminds me… I have to send a threating letter to the Academy now.
  • I Am Legend- redefined Will Smiths acting Career for me… sorry, his acting was spectacular.
  • BLADE RUNNER THE FINAL CUT (yes it deserved all caps) also in my top 5 sci-fi movies ever so I decided it should get a special mention.
  • A whole bunch of others…

So yea it was a great year in sci-fi in retrospect. Lets set up 2008 to be shock and awe.

Well for Movies I have to Say Transformers was the best for Sci Fi and I have to give and to Spider man and Fantastic Four and yes spider man 3 wasnt as good as the first 2 but I am comic book geek from the 80’s so I gotto love them

As for TV
BSG of course
Stargate Atlantis

I think I’m going to end up having my geek card revoked here, but thinking about it I realize that I didn’t “do” that much sci-fi this year, at least not in print or games (I’ve been obsessed with older Syd Meier games “Pirates” and “Civilization III” most of the past year). So, for

I’ll second Children of Men, though it feels like it was a 2006 movie (I know that technically the wide and video releases happened in 2007, so let’s keep it). I’d also add Pan’s Labyrinth, which was also released late in 2006 but really hit the consciousness in 2007, which is when my wife and I saw it (also, it’s technically not sci-fi, but close enough).

BSG. Even the sagging standalones in season 3 were better than most other shows out there, and the final three or four episodes were some of the best television I’ve EVER seen (so were the first four, but those aired in 2006).

Heroes. We got into this show on DVD this past summer and just couldn’t put it down (and I LIKE the finale as I think it was true to the spirit and tone of the show. I don’t get what all the complaints were about). Season two started off weakly but then picked up nicely. Alas, it was cut short due to the strike so we didn’t get to see it bloom to its full potential, but hopefully we’ll see a return to form in season/volume 3.

And while it’s been off the air for five years now, I have to give an honorable mention to Futurama, which still manages to leave me cackling every time, even after sitting through three days of the final Adult Swim Futurama marathon the last couple of days.

OMG - someone else is addicted to “Pirates”? AWESOME! My husband bought the “new” version last year and I installed it on my computer too. I must say, I know of no better way to waste an ENTIRE DAY than to fire up “Pirates” and play. I never could figure out how my hubby could spend =hours= playing his computer games until I started playing this! I can only take Tetris or Solitaire for so long and then I have to stop. “Pirates”, however, is a whole other story! I’ve only got a laptop, so I have graduated from USB keypad to an entire wireless keyboard for playing. :smiley:

Oh I hear that! Many have been the days when I’ve sat down at my computer, be it my home desktop or my work lap top (in the off hours. I do want to keep my job for as long as it lasts), and said, “maybe I’ll play ‘Pirates’ for a few minutes” and ended up wasting hour upon hour, only stopping when my wife angrily calls me down to complete some chore I’ve inevitably left unfinished. What I love is that there are so many ways to play the game. You can either follow the scripted story (which varies each time you play it anyway, damn you Sid!) or just go around looking for booty until your career runs out. What an addictive game!

Children of Men - Already mentioned, amazing Science Fiction film.
Stardust - Overlooked, but a really sold Fantasy movie. I hope this does well on video, because it really deserves it.

Heroes season 1
Battlestar season 3

Well, not very original choices, but what can I say, GWCers think alike.