The Architecture of Caprica

Anyone else really awed by the architecture?
Of course this includes all the high rises and what not, but what Im more specifically talking about is the almost insane amount of statues going on.
Like every shot of a building has some sort of statue, and not little statue either, but like huge monolithic statues.

I think it was in the pyramid game where on either side was giant Atlas-esque statues holding up stuff? I may be remembering it wrong but I dont think so.

Just curious if anyone noticed all the statuary as well.


I think they said in the first podcast that the Vancuuuuver skyline does not have a bunch of digital editing. They said there was a large amount of unique and diverse buildings since they were hosting the olympics and every non-US country pretty much tries not to make every single building look the same. Don’t know if this extends to the statuary tho.

I knew the pyramid thing had giant statues xP

I remember that. It looks cool. I wonder if the stadium part is real or cgi? I’m willing to bet the statue was added.

The statues are very cool, I agree. My guess is it ties into their multi-god culture. The statues everywhere make me think of Ancient Greece or Rome.

Didn’t even thing of that, but I’ll bet you are 100% correct.

I think the design of the sets is amazing,
each one fits perfectly, it is a great looking show.

Compared to Stargate Atlantis,
which looked like it was filmed inside an IKEA.

While Im sure that explains it, I still find it curious they would build like so many statue of liberty sized statues just for decorative purposes.
Or maybe just the wealthy colonies do it.
No statues for Tauron, just paper mache with chicken bones.

Atlantis needed more meatballs and lingenberry jam.

No statues for Tauron, just paper mache with chicken bones.

LOL, don’t say that around Rock Throwin’ Willie.

Pops Adama: “Willie put that down.”



He had to use a rock, no flashlights by the river.

Just look at this, look at this.
6 giant statues in less than maybe two blocks, if even.

The pyramid buildings however, I much approve.
Virgon seems like a sweet colony.

Maybe it’s an Ozymandias thing…
a sign of things to come:


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.[1]

I look at the statues like flags. I don’t remember seeing any flags on Caprica except at the memorial. In North America, and throughout our world, many homes and business have flags flying out front. Capricans use statues instead. The same way we would have a flag for country, state/province, city, they would have a statue of the appropriate god/goddess.

See, no flags! Only a statue instead!

Caprica: Where practicality is nonexistent.

That was my thought when I saw all the statues. To me it says, here is a civilization that believes in itself. It believes in its own greatness. At least on Caprica. Very, very cool.

Made me laugh !!:smiley:

I’m pleased with the look. I’m looking for Aurora, which was tied to Starbuck, to see if there’s connections. Haven’t seen her yet–though the red, cylon animation is looking more mandala-like each ep.

I did see Egyptian influences in New Cap City.