The Amazing Spider-Man

The title of the next Spidey flick is The Amazing Spider-Man

and here’s a pretty sweet pic

Yeah, his head is apparently held upright by his own power.

tho I like the design…Crom hat suit is tight!! Like can see his digestive system tight


ok…that look sweet!

I’m really not sure what to make of this. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from Spiderman 3. I don’t care for the new suit much. And I feel like with movies like Batman and X-Men first class, the bar for super hero movies has gone WAY the heck up. From what I’ve seen, I don’t know if this has what it takes to make it.

All that being said, it’s Spiderman AND it has Emma Stone in it. I’m gonna see it. Here’s hoping I’m proven wrong.

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Pretty cool trailer. But… I already saw this movie. Why did they have to do another origin story movie? It has been less then 10 years since they did that. I can’t get real excited about an alternate take on a good movie from 2002.

Because they are counting on more ppl who will get excited unlike you. Spider-Man is Marvel’s cash cow, their most popular hero (at least solo and before Iron Man I).

For instance, I’m excited for the new Superman movie, even though they had an unsuccessful reboot in 2006.

Also, Incredible Hulk (2008) did better than Hulk (2003) with a new cast, and they were released five years apart. In our short attention span era, 9 years is like 18. d:

For instance, I’m excited for the new Superman movie, even though they had an unsuccessful reboot in 2006.

Yeah, same here. But I get the feeling that movie will be pretty different from Superman Returns. And that wasn’t a reboot, it was a sequel to a 70s movie. Way to early to say obviously for Man of Steel.

And its probably too early to say for The Amazing Spiderman too, since we only have the trailer to look at. It could turn out to be very different than the 2002 Spiderman.

Spider Man 2 in 2014…

Not sure what the “Untold story” is…

How Spidey fell down the well perhaps?

Well, aside from the lame quote (“the untold story” - WTF, I’m pretty sure we all know the Radioactive Spider-Uncle Ben-wrestling-avenging bit), the shadow is kinda meh. The Vader shadow for Anakin on the Phantom Menace poster actually gave me shivers the first time I saw it.

I really want to be excited about Amazing Spider Man, but for a lot of the same reasons mentioned above, I’m having a hard time with it. The marketing campaign isn’t helping.

The Twilight Justin Beiberites are gonna lurve it!!


trailer looks pretty good

I’m not excited about seeing another spiderman “reboot,” and of all the superheroes I think I’ve seen the Spiderman origin the most. The main reason I want to see this movie is the 3D sequences of him running around New York. Those look like they’ll be fantastic fun, like those old 3D rollercoaster IMAX movies.

Spiderman looks wicked…I am really impressed by the whole look of the movie.

The web slinging and the way Spidey moves through the air has a more ‘real’ feel to it, something that the predecessor failed to capture! Definitely a good call on putting on web shooters rather than naturally dispensing webbing (man I’m a nerd)!

Anyway I think Garfield looks like he’s gonna be a good Spiderman, and I also dig the new costume!

Jury’s out on the ret of the cast though…can Rhys Ifans pull of being the villain?

From your friendly neighbourhood Munch-Man!


From what I’ve seen in the trailers and marketing it looks like they took elements of the origin and threw everything else out. Given how his parents seem to be a big factor, looks like Uncle Ben may not die right away, I don’t think you really need to worry about it being a rehash of stuff we already know.

I’d like to see Uncle Ben die after he beats the Lizard. Like he thinks he’s too good to deal with common criminals. It’d be an interesting twist